Who are the Appropriate couples for treatment with in vitro fertilization technique – the wife who is capable of producing eggs and the husband who can produce sperm. – the women whose Fallopian tubes are closed or damaged that sperms aren’t allowed to reach the egg to be fertilized. – This method is useful in […]

Gastric bypass: – Is the first surgery in the world for obesity, that appeared in its current form in the late sixties, which was operated for more than five hundred thousand cases in the world, including in the past year alone, more than eighty thousand cases and this makes it the most surgery used to […]

What is the stomach cutting operation (sleeving)? What are its side effects? In this surgery, the stomach is cut from above to below, and removes a significant portion of it, the remaining stomach size become as a finger, at a length of about 20 cm. The patient after this process feels fullness while eating a […]

Baldness affects men more than women, which is always a genetic and hormonal reasons, that causes embarrassment and affect the self confidence We should all know that there is no product restores hair once again only hair transplant ensures restoring the hair permanently .. What is a hair transplant? We can not say it is […]