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vitro fertilisation

Who are the Appropriate couples for treatment with in vitro fertilization technique

–  the wife who is capable of producing eggs and the husband who can produce sperm.
– the women whose Fallopian tubes are closed or damaged that sperms aren’t allowed to reach the egg to be fertilized.
– This method is useful in men who suffer from infertility as a result of shortage or lack of movement of the sperm, where sperm are placed in the right place in the shortest possible time and with the egg directly.
– Women between 35-40 years to be able to have a baby, where the trial duration is short-lived.
– Cases of infertility of unknown cause.
– Women with endometriosis disease.

– Men who produce antibodies to sperm (Antisperm Antibody.)


What do we mean the in- vitro fertilisation

It is fertilizing the egg with sperm in a test tube after taking mature eggs from the ovary to be placed with all the good sperm after being washed until it gets fertilization. Then returned the fertilized egg (embryo) to the mother. This process takes from two to five days and this method gives the best option to choose the best embryos to be transfered to the mother after fertilizing outside the uterus. It is given as well as more room for the possibility of pregnancy per cycle because more than one embryo can be transfered into the uterus.
Note: Before starting the in- vitro fertilisation treatment, different tests should be conducted for the husband and wife to make sure if there are reasons impeding pregnancy, and see if it was possible to cure by simpler ways and these tests, such as blood testing and uterus, sperm and Fallopian tubes examination.


What are the steps of in- vitro fertilisation

The Ovares got stimulated to produce the largest possible number of eggs by hormones and the decision of the quantity and quality of the user and the duration of treatment of the physician. The ovarian stimulation is essential to increase the number of eggs that are more likely to be more than the number of embryos fertilized and so the success rate is higher than the existence of only one egg. That the number of sacs must be more than three. If produced ovary less than that the process be postponed to the next session to give the best chance of becoming pregnant If ovulation has occurred before collecting the vesicles, the process be postponed to the next session and the success rate is less than the lower the number of eggs if the four embryos transferred, the success rate of up to 40% and if transfers three percentage up to 35% and 25% two horribly As one embryo 17%. See our success rates
– Monitor the eggs by vaginal ultrasonography device to determine the size of an egg, a number of good eggs, and prevent any complications may occur if the patient did not comply with ongoing follow-up and as determined by the attending physician.
Collect the eggs after 32-36 hours of taking hormone H.C.G


How is the process of withdrawal of eggs take place, and what are the complications

The collection of eggs done without surgery, where the eggs are pulled by vaginal ultra -sound device audio and bladder must be empty and must bring the patient is usually half an hour before, where narcotic drugs are given by intramuscularly route.
Which are two sedative and analgesic substances. Then the vagina is cleaned with a sterile material to withdraw the eggs. And then the device is inserted into the vagina. then the treating physician gradually pull eggs from the ovary, meanwhile, the patient takes more analgesics and sedatives as she may feel some discomfort during the withdrawal of the first egg from the ovary, as well as the first for the ovary on the other side.
Regardless of the number of follicles drawn, the process takes anywhere from 5-20 minutes. We would like to note here that not all drawn follicles containing egg, because 70% of the drawn follicles containing eggs. After the completion of the withdrawal of all the follicles, the patient must lie down for an hour at the center after the operation.
All the follicles are sent to the laboratory to confirm the presence of eggs and their number, then appropriate procedure took place, the female patient should begin taking hormonal therapy (progesterone) starting from the day of follicle collection
